First major critique of Foundation Drawing tomorrow. For our first major-ish assignment, we focused on creating a monumental 36"x26" composition of a mechanical object. The study first began with 6 miniature thumbnails depicting the object from several viewpoints and angles, which were narrowed down to our two strongest compositions that were then re-drawn as 18"x24" versions, and finally our strongest composition as the final result on 36"x26". We were told to shade only 20%-25% of the final composition, while leaving traces of our mapping for proportions in order to show remnants of our process when rendering the object and understanding the relationships between objects.
Aftermath: Excited for the crit....but I can safely say I never want to see this can opener again.
Things learned: A.) Taking photos of work and capturing progress can be incredibly helpful, as a photograph can reveal all the mistakes that your eyes can't see after staring at something for hours. And B.) Drawing straight lines is harder than it looks, and I definitely need to develop a steadier hand.